Shoulder Pain From Desk Work
Shoulder Pain From Desk Work

Raju Hospital

Raju Hospital

T.Nagar, Chennai.

T.Nagar, Chennai.

Apr 17, 2023

Apr 17, 2023

Mouse Shoulder-Shoulder Pain From Desk Work

Mouse Shoulder-Shoulder Pain From Desk Work

Are you someone who’s suffering from shoulder pain at the workplace? This blog consists of tips and tricks to help you manage your shoulder pain, the better way.

Are you someone who’s suffering from shoulder pain at the workplace? This blog consists of tips and tricks to help you manage your shoulder pain, the better way.

Do you find yourself slouching over your computer all day at work, only to be met with searing shoulder pain? I could hear you thinking that a good shoulder massage is all that’s needed after a long workday, but you barely had any time to prioritize it.

We all have somehow gone into the era of putting our health secondary or even beyond, unless something serious comes up that affects our daily routine. Should you really wait until then to take care of your health? Though this nature of work has become a norm these days, reprioritizing your health needs is all in your hands yet.

Not to scare you at all, but ever thought about, what would be our future if this just continues? Will you be able to work with the same rigor after some more years with your increasing health complications? Should you take any immediate steps to relieve and prevent shoulder pain at work? If you have never really thought about it, maybe it's time to do so.

"The Posture Police: Sit Up Straight"

Your posture plays a huge role in shoulder pain. If you're hunching over your desk all day, you're putting unnecessary strain on your shoulders. Be Mindful of your posture now and then and sit up straight! Keep your shoulders back and your feet flat on the ground. This simple adjustment can do wonders for your shoulder pain. Being mindful often might be challenging in the initial stages but once you train your mind, no one can hold you back.

"Stretch It Out: Yoga for the Win"

Yoga is a great way to stretch out your body, especially your shoulders. Try incorporating some simple yoga poses into your workday, like the eagle pose or the cow face pose. Not only will it help relieve your shoulder pain, but it can also help reduce stress and anxiety. Of course, I hear you say, where do I have time for all these, in the midst of busy tasks and with those deadlines in front of you? They are anyways going to be there but to stay healthy all you should do is reprioritize your health needs. These simple activities are a must, to get you moving if you ought to perform well at your work and life in the longer run.

"Get a Grip: Ergonomic Equipment"

Your workspace can also play a huge role in your shoulder pain. Investing in ergonomic equipment can help alleviate the strain on your shoulders. Consider getting an adjustable chair or a standing desk. Even something as simple as a mouse pad with a wrist rest can make a big difference.

"Soothe your Shoulders for Pain Relief"

If you're experiencing shoulder pain, don't suffer in silence. Try icing the area for 15-20 minutes at a time, a few times a day. This can help reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. If the pain persists, don't hesitate to see a doctor or a physical therapist.

Take those Breaks:

It can be tempting to power through your workday, but taking breaks is crucial for your physical and mental health. Give yourself some time to stretch and relax now and then. Try setting an alarm on your phone to remind you of breaks every hour and most importantly, respect those alarms.😌

Following these simple steps will prevent you from health hazards in the longer run. Because, not the work you do, relationships, or wealth you have that comes with you althrough your life but does your health. So, take tiny steps to make each phase of your life, a momentum to cherish until you stay on this beautiful earth.

Do you find yourself slouching over your computer all day at work, only to be met with searing shoulder pain? I could hear you thinking that a good shoulder massage is all that’s needed after a long workday, but you barely had any time to prioritize it.

We all have somehow gone into the era of putting our health secondary or even beyond, unless something serious comes up that affects our daily routine. Should you really wait until then to take care of your health? Though this nature of work has become a norm these days, reprioritizing your health needs is all in your hands yet.

Not to scare you at all, but ever thought about, what would be our future if this just continues? Will you be able to work with the same rigor after some more years with your increasing health complications? Should you take any immediate steps to relieve and prevent shoulder pain at work? If you have never really thought about it, maybe it's time to do so.

"The Posture Police: Sit Up Straight"

Your posture plays a huge role in shoulder pain. If you're hunching over your desk all day, you're putting unnecessary strain on your shoulders. Be Mindful of your posture now and then and sit up straight! Keep your shoulders back and your feet flat on the ground. This simple adjustment can do wonders for your shoulder pain. Being mindful often might be challenging in the initial stages but once you train your mind, no one can hold you back.

"Stretch It Out: Yoga for the Win"

Yoga is a great way to stretch out your body, especially your shoulders. Try incorporating some simple yoga poses into your workday, like the eagle pose or the cow face pose. Not only will it help relieve your shoulder pain, but it can also help reduce stress and anxiety. Of course, I hear you say, where do I have time for all these, in the midst of busy tasks and with those deadlines in front of you? They are anyways going to be there but to stay healthy all you should do is reprioritize your health needs. These simple activities are a must, to get you moving if you ought to perform well at your work and life in the longer run.

"Get a Grip: Ergonomic Equipment"

Your workspace can also play a huge role in your shoulder pain. Investing in ergonomic equipment can help alleviate the strain on your shoulders. Consider getting an adjustable chair or a standing desk. Even something as simple as a mouse pad with a wrist rest can make a big difference.

"Soothe your Shoulders for Pain Relief"

If you're experiencing shoulder pain, don't suffer in silence. Try icing the area for 15-20 minutes at a time, a few times a day. This can help reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. If the pain persists, don't hesitate to see a doctor or a physical therapist.

Take those Breaks:

It can be tempting to power through your workday, but taking breaks is crucial for your physical and mental health. Give yourself some time to stretch and relax now and then. Try setting an alarm on your phone to remind you of breaks every hour and most importantly, respect those alarms.😌

Following these simple steps will prevent you from health hazards in the longer run. Because, not the work you do, relationships, or wealth you have that comes with you althrough your life but does your health. So, take tiny steps to make each phase of your life, a momentum to cherish until you stay on this beautiful earth.