Is Physiotheraphy good for backpain
Is Physiotheraphy good for backpain

Raju Hospitals

Raju Hospitals

T.Nagar, Chennai.

T.Nagar, Chennai.

Jun 8, 2023

Jun 8, 2023

Is Physiotherapy good for back pain?

Is Physiotherapy good for back pain?

Physiotherapy service-relieve back pain without surgery. Raju Hospitals offer best Physiotherapy service in Chennai by accurate back pain diagnosis and treatment.

Physiotherapy service-relieve back pain without surgery. Raju Hospitals offer best Physiotherapy service in Chennai by accurate back pain diagnosis and treatment.

The most common phrase we hear from people above 20 years is that "my back hurts". Generation Alpha has made people sit before computers for hours, and we can never complain about it.

Back pain occurs due to numerous factors, such as muscular strains, herniated discs, spinal abnormalities, poor posture, and sedentary lifestyles, which can contribute to back discomfort. This can impede movement and daily activities and range in intensity from minor discomfort to persistent and excruciating pain. While medication may offer short-term comfort, physiotherapy offers a more comprehensive approach by addressing the problem specifically for each person.

Research quotes that "Physiotherapy is good for back pain." 

Physiotherapy works best for joints but not for back pain is a myth, that was long broken. Large-scale studies have demonstrated that physical therapy can reduce back pain and other symptoms by up to 60%.

According to research and international guidelines, pinpointing the precise issue that causes back pain is neither possible nor required to manage back pain mechanics effectively. The preferred method for treating back pain now is a tiered one. The back muscles can be strengthened and the tissues and joints of the spine can be conditioned via directed therapeutic activities. The exercises are designed to train the full kinetic chain - the collection of body parts, joints, and muscles that cooperate to carry out bodily movements, in terms of flexibility and strength. Thus physical therapy aids in the patient's return to minimally comfortable participation in daily activities.

Ways physiotherapy helps with back pain

1- Accurate Diagnosis: To pinpoint the precise origin of back pain, a physiotherapist performs a thorough assessment. They assess posture, mobility, muscular strength, and range of motion, enabling a precise diagnosis and a customized treatment strategy.

2- Pain management: Physiotherapy uses a variety of methods, including: 

  • Manual therapy: Touch-based procedures include joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulation, and massage can ease pain, reduce stiffness, and enhance blood flow. 

  •  Hot or cold therapy helps to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

  • TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation): Electrical stimulation can reduce pain by obstructing pain signals and encouraging the body's natural analgesics, endorphins, to be released.

3- Exercise Therapy: Physiotherapists create specialised exercise regimens to increase flexibility, strengthen the muscles that support the spine, and address postural abnormalities. Stretching, core stabilization exercises, and strength training are a few examples of these workouts. Exercise on a regular basis helps with pain management, injury prevention, and general physical function. 

4- Manual Techniques: To increase joint mobility and restore regular movement patterns, physiotherapists use a variety of manual techniques, such as joint mobilisation and manipulation. These methods can aid in pain relief and function restoration. 

5- Ergonomics and education: Part of physiotherapy involves educating patients about good posture, ergonomics, and body mechanics. Future back pain episodes can be avoided by learning proper posture maintenance techniques, safe item lifting techniques, and ergonomic work conditions.

6- Rehabilitation and functional training: Physiotherapy offers rehabilitation programs that are specialised to the needs of those with chronic or severe back pain. These programs use focused exercises, pain management techniques, and dietary changes to improve quality of life and reestablish functional capacities. 

Why actually Physiotherapy is gaining popularity for treating back pain?

1- Physiotherapy offers a non-invasive alternative to prescription drugs or surgical procedures, reducing the risk of adverse effects and dependence on painkillers. It adopts a personalized approach, for each person's particular demands and health. Plans of treatment are made to target the particular origins and aggravating elements of back pain.

2- Long-Term Recovery: Physiotherapy assists patients in achieving long-term recovery and lowers the risk of repeated episodes by addressing the underlying causes of back pain.

3- Improved Function and quality of Life: Physiotherapy works to increase a person's mobility, strength, and flexibility so they can go back to their regular activities, jobs, and leisure hobbies, pain-free. 

4- Prevention: Physiotherapists offer information and advice on how to avoid injuries by encouraging good body mechanics and ergonomics. People can lower their risk of experiencing back discomfort in the future by implementing these practices.

How long does Physiotherapy treatment for lower back pain last?

The degree and persistence of the low back problems determine the overall duration of an exercise program. Physical therapy usually begins with an 8-week program carried out under the direction of a physical therapist for chronic  back pain.  After the guided phase, longer-term maintenance or rehabilitation therapy is recommended; this can be completed at home. Depending on how the treatment goes, the length of the guided program may lengthen or shorten. Physical therapy can be used in conjunction with other nonsurgical lower back therapies to reduce pain more effectively overall. When combined with a physical therapy program, hands-on alternative treatments like massage therapy, manual therapy, and acupuncture may be helpful.

If back pain still edges your daily activities, it’s time to step up for your customised plan at

The most common phrase we hear from people above 20 years is that "my back hurts". Generation Alpha has made people sit before computers for hours, and we can never complain about it.

Back pain occurs due to numerous factors, such as muscular strains, herniated discs, spinal abnormalities, poor posture, and sedentary lifestyles, which can contribute to back discomfort. This can impede movement and daily activities and range in intensity from minor discomfort to persistent and excruciating pain. While medication may offer short-term comfort, physiotherapy offers a more comprehensive approach by addressing the problem specifically for each person.

Research quotes that "Physiotherapy is good for back pain." 

Physiotherapy works best for joints but not for back pain is a myth, that was long broken. Large-scale studies have demonstrated that physical therapy can reduce back pain and other symptoms by up to 60%.

According to research and international guidelines, pinpointing the precise issue that causes back pain is neither possible nor required to manage back pain mechanics effectively. The preferred method for treating back pain now is a tiered one. The back muscles can be strengthened and the tissues and joints of the spine can be conditioned via directed therapeutic activities. The exercises are designed to train the full kinetic chain - the collection of body parts, joints, and muscles that cooperate to carry out bodily movements, in terms of flexibility and strength. Thus physical therapy aids in the patient's return to minimally comfortable participation in daily activities.

Ways physiotherapy helps with back pain

1- Accurate Diagnosis: To pinpoint the precise origin of back pain, a physiotherapist performs a thorough assessment. They assess posture, mobility, muscular strength, and range of motion, enabling a precise diagnosis and a customized treatment strategy.

2- Pain management: Physiotherapy uses a variety of methods, including: 

  • Manual therapy: Touch-based procedures include joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulation, and massage can ease pain, reduce stiffness, and enhance blood flow. 

  •  Hot or cold therapy helps to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

  • TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation): Electrical stimulation can reduce pain by obstructing pain signals and encouraging the body's natural analgesics, endorphins, to be released.

3- Exercise Therapy: Physiotherapists create specialised exercise regimens to increase flexibility, strengthen the muscles that support the spine, and address postural abnormalities. Stretching, core stabilization exercises, and strength training are a few examples of these workouts. Exercise on a regular basis helps with pain management, injury prevention, and general physical function. 

4- Manual Techniques: To increase joint mobility and restore regular movement patterns, physiotherapists use a variety of manual techniques, such as joint mobilisation and manipulation. These methods can aid in pain relief and function restoration. 

5- Ergonomics and education: Part of physiotherapy involves educating patients about good posture, ergonomics, and body mechanics. Future back pain episodes can be avoided by learning proper posture maintenance techniques, safe item lifting techniques, and ergonomic work conditions.

6- Rehabilitation and functional training: Physiotherapy offers rehabilitation programs that are specialised to the needs of those with chronic or severe back pain. These programs use focused exercises, pain management techniques, and dietary changes to improve quality of life and reestablish functional capacities. 

Why actually Physiotherapy is gaining popularity for treating back pain?

1- Physiotherapy offers a non-invasive alternative to prescription drugs or surgical procedures, reducing the risk of adverse effects and dependence on painkillers. It adopts a personalized approach, for each person's particular demands and health. Plans of treatment are made to target the particular origins and aggravating elements of back pain.

2- Long-Term Recovery: Physiotherapy assists patients in achieving long-term recovery and lowers the risk of repeated episodes by addressing the underlying causes of back pain.

3- Improved Function and quality of Life: Physiotherapy works to increase a person's mobility, strength, and flexibility so they can go back to their regular activities, jobs, and leisure hobbies, pain-free. 

4- Prevention: Physiotherapists offer information and advice on how to avoid injuries by encouraging good body mechanics and ergonomics. People can lower their risk of experiencing back discomfort in the future by implementing these practices.

How long does Physiotherapy treatment for lower back pain last?

The degree and persistence of the low back problems determine the overall duration of an exercise program. Physical therapy usually begins with an 8-week program carried out under the direction of a physical therapist for chronic  back pain.  After the guided phase, longer-term maintenance or rehabilitation therapy is recommended; this can be completed at home. Depending on how the treatment goes, the length of the guided program may lengthen or shorten. Physical therapy can be used in conjunction with other nonsurgical lower back therapies to reduce pain more effectively overall. When combined with a physical therapy program, hands-on alternative treatments like massage therapy, manual therapy, and acupuncture may be helpful.

If back pain still edges your daily activities, it’s time to step up for your customised plan at

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